
peruvian banana suppliers

The banana is an undemanding fruit grown in tropical and subtropical climates, but with a superior nutritional value that brings the fruit a very delicious flavor and an economical cost. Its main advantage is the ease with which the crop can be produced, especially if the soil where it is harvested is rich and suitable for this work, as it is the soil of Peru. This has made that the Peruvian banana suppliers are one of the most sought in Latin America and the world. 

Plantain production in Peru

Plantain production in Peru has grown significantly in the recent years, which has allowed the country to become one of the main exporters in the sector. International demand has also had an impact on domestic agricultural production.  For many years, the production of this fruit has been in the hands of small producers; however, this has been changing as the demand has increased. 

Peruvian bananas suppliers today also include large companies. This has been reflected in the improvement of the production system, which includes everything from storage to transportation, processing and packaging. We have often heard about the importance of bananas as nutritious and energetic products for our organism, however, beyond its nutritional quality, this fruit has a high commercial value.

The thing that distinguishes the banana produced in Peru from other countries is the high quality and competitive price, being a main crop for many farmers in the country. This incredible country has an ideal climate for the production of this fruit. The climatic conditions are different from those of other producing countries such as Ecuador and Colombia. This allows the country to be an efficient and reliable banana supplier all year round.

Peruvian banana suppliers

In the last decade, Peruvian banana production has continued to increase by 20%. Although Peru is among the world’s leading producers, its share of the international market is relatively small. However, growth prospects are positive, as global banana requirements have adjusted very fast in the recent years and are expected to continue to increase.

The Chira Valley, in the province of Sullana, Piura, is considered by experts to be the prime producing area for organic bananas. There are two reasons for this: it’s good soil and a privileged climate, with a relative humidity below 85%. Also, in this area there is no presence of the dreaded Black Sigatoka, a disease that can seriously affect the crop in countries with more tropical climates. Thanks to this advantage, Peruvian banana suppliers have consolidated their position as one of the main suppliers of organic fruit over the last 15 years.

An important advantage of Peru is that the production of such a fruit in this country is organic and certified by the competent bodies. Peru is highly rated by some international organizations, such as the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), as it is committed to the environment, good agricultural practices and best labor practices.

Contact us

For more information about Peruvian banana suppliers, click here, Also, for more information about all products our company offers, please call 956 052 737. On the other hand, we have a mail for consultations, We are located at 267 Monterrico Chico Avenue, Santiago de Surco, Lima – Peru.