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Top exporters of Bananas from Peru

South American Banana Suppliers: A Global Sourcing Market

South American Banana Suppliers: A Global Sourcing Market

Bananas are one of the world’s most popular fruits that grow rapidly and have been one of the healthiest fruits consumed by humans for many years. They contain starch as the main carbohydrate, but they are also rich sources of fiber and antioxidants (Vitamin C), besides helping our body to absorb calcium and improve the […]

The Peruvian export banana industry: a look at facts and figures

The Peruvian export banana industry: a look at facts and figures

El plátano es una de las frutas más consumidas a nivel mundial debido a su alto aporte nutricional en potasio y otros minerales, así como su estacionalidad durante todo el año, por lo que es fácil de encontrar. Esto hace que su exportación sea uno de los principales contribuyentes al crecimiento económico de diferentes países […]

The top exporter of bananas from Perú

The top exporter of bananas from Perú

In Peru, banana exporters are very important because it is a natural and rich product that has a big demand outside the country. However, have you ever wondered who is the top exporter of bananas? The question is easy to answer, so in the following blog we will tell you many little-known facts about this […]

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